Thursday, February 21, 2013

What goes in to making soap

What Goes Into Making Earthstone Soap?

1. Oil
2. Lye (yep - soap doesn't exist without it)
3. Liquid (water, beer, milk, etc.)
4. A lil' bit of SMELL GOOD (or not, just depends)

That's it.

It doesn't take a laundry list of ingredients to create soap, but using the RIGHT combination of these ingredients creates that AAAAHHHH moment in the bath.

Do you know what's in the soap you're using??

 photo earthstonesoapcompany_zps78301b53.png


  1. You can ask Clara I am absolutely obsessed with your soap! Are you in any shops in Tuscaloosa. The Aloe and Almond sounds amazing!

    1. Hi Ashley! Thank you for the kind comments!! Although I'm not in the Tuscaloosa area, I am currently working on an online store which is set to launch very soon. I will make the announcement on FB. Who knows - I may even offer my FB fans a Grand Opening discount...hmmm......
      Thanks again Ashley!!
