Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About the Earthstone Creator

Why Soap?

Why did I start making soap?  Why make something that is found in every grocery store in the world?  Many soapmakers start out making all natural soaps for its therapeutic benefits on the skin.  My reason is a little different as I was not looking for a cure for any particular skin condition.  In fact, I didn't even realize how good natural soaps were for the skin.  You don't know what you don't know - right?

My initial motivation was slightly selfish.  I wanted to use my hands for something GOOD.  I crave creativity!  I simply wanted a talent - something that I was good at,  that I could enjoy.  The problem?  I didn't have a creative bone in my body.  Or so I thought.  I come from a family full of talented men and women that possess skills and talents that I dreamed of having.  My mom, for instance,  could sew and make clothes without a pattern!  Whhhhaaaattt??!!  Uh huh - I know.  And my sister?  My sister, Beverly, can cook AND bake AND decorate AMAZINGLY beautiful cakes (she is now a successful restauranteur in Birmingham).  So, surely, just due to genetics I should have some of that talent in my blood - right?

I think I've tried EVERY craft kit on the market - EVERY ONE of 'em - WITHOUT SUCCESS!
Wait - don't feel bad - it gets better!  After spending alot of money in the craft stores trying to learn how to paint, crochet, knit, and whatever else, I threw my hands up!  Yep - I was DONE trying these kits, but I just couldn't give up!  I was so mad and frustrated with myself.  I remember my mom telling me that the Lord gives everyone a talent or a gift and that I would find mine - eventually.  But when?  And what was it?  Finally, I prayed and prayed and CRIED to the Lord for Him to Bless me with a talent that He wanted me to have, that I would enjoy and could share with others.

So one day my mom and I were talking about how my grandmother used to make soap out of bacon grease and how great this soap was for cleaning clothes.  She asked me to help her find out how this was done.  So I researched and researched and the spark was lit!   My mom and I made some soap together and I've not put it down since - LOL!!

It is a BLESSING from the Lord and I LOVE making and sharing it with others.  I continually feel honored and blessed that He allowed me to have this wonderful talent and skill.

It is my hope to share with all of you my passion for this craft through words and pictures.  I hope you enjoy!
 photo earthstonesoapcompany_zps78301b53.png

1 comment:

  1. What a fun way to start out! Its fun to find a hidden talent that springs into something so much more! Thanks for sharing!
